One of the longest-running shows on television is one for the kids. It's The Wonderful World of Disney, which has been known by a series of names since its debut in 1954, including Walt Disney Presents, Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color, The Disney Sunday Movie and its original title, Walt Disney's Disneyland.
By any and every name, though, parents knew what their kids were getting: classic cartoons and kid-friendly adventures that could spark the imagination for a lifetime.
The Wonderful World of Walt Disney is one of the longest-running primtetime TV series, running with only a few short breaks since 1954. Over that time, it's been known by nine different names:
- Walt Disney's Disneyland
- Walt Disney Presents
- Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color
- The Wonderful World of Disney,
- Disney's Wonderful World
- Walt Disney
- The Disney Sunday Movie
- The Magical World of Disney
- The Wonderful World of Disney
No matter what you called it, though, it's likely you saw the same recycled classic shows, cartoons and movies. (26/09/2019)
Disneylandia VENEVISION |
El mágico mundo del color...
Por Venevisión transmitían los domingos este programa en Venezuela.
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